Sunday Service

A space to connect and reflect

Worship Service

worship starting at 11:00 a.m. | snacks & coffee already at 10:30 a.m.

We are continuing our journey with the Israelites after they escaped from Egypt. As we have seen last fall, the book of Exodus tells amazing stories of human failure, faith, and freedom as God intervenes. Once free, the Israelites were trying to build a new life in an unknown land. Maybe you are on unfamiliar or uncertain ground right now. Then the upcoming series provides some good life lessons and even more importantly a better understanding of God's guidance through them all.

Come early before the service on Sunday to enjoy coffee, tea, and snacks together at 10:30 a.m. followed by a time of worship, communion, and break-out groups.

Our Reach kids join us for musical worship before being dismissed to go downstairs, before the sermon, with our two volunteers. The children will stay there for the duration of their own program which includes games, stories, and crafts.

What a Worship Service at Reach Looks Like


The purpose of our Sunday Services is to enjoy the community of other people who ask the same questions about faith and life. Meeting friends at church can be the most refreshing and encouraging moment of your week.

Prayer & Music

We want to give God praise through prayer and worship songs as a community. At the same time, our worship services seek to create a space for personal expression of your love for God.

Input: Sermon

We want to learn more about God together and how His word applies to our church community and personal lives. A practical sermon can help to find guidance through the big and small questions of our daily lives.

Output: Group Discussion

After the sermon, you have the chance to take part in a discussion group which includes follow up questions on the sermon. This is a time to reflect on and react to what was preached through fruitful conversation.

Kids Program during the Service

We are offering a kids program during the sermon. More information on our goals and values for the kids program can be found here: